Neo-Cru R&B: Youth of Anemoia
The sound of a city once dictated genre. But the physical notion of the “city” has digitized, birthing spatiotemporally independent music scenes such as “Neo-Cru R&B.”
In “Neo-Cru R&B: Youth of Anemoia” illustrating how digital spaces mirror the function of cities in creating genre, producer Sej (Joshua Jung) explores how a particular R&B scene manifests post-pandemic lamentation coupling the simultaneous desires to feel alone yet wanted and to exist in a golden past in the clouded present. In collaboration with 2x EMMY-nominated Cantera Studio (cr: Vox, Sony Music), the documentary features emerging R&B artists Avenoir and Pino alongside the producers behind the sound, such as Ammar Junedi (Ariana Grande, TYuS) and Isaiah Kaleo (Chase Shakur, 4batz).
Producer: Joshua Jung
Editor: Joshua Jung
Script Editor: Juan E. Bedolla
Motion Design: Cantera Studio
Featuring: Avenoir, Ammar Junedi, Dave Schumaker, Isaiah Kaleo, Maciej Smólka, Nic Dreams, Pino, YMX
Soundtrack: Alan Vuong, au Savant, Ammar Junedi, CASSO!, Da Bassment Cru, Danya Vodovoz, Isaiah Kaleo, Pino, Sej
Further thanks to: Bruce Pilato, Cody Watkins, Dionso, Soleia, Sorry Everett
TRNSPRNT Interview:
- Production company: Simply Living Studios
- DoP: Arvin's Archives
- CO: Jason Soung
Sponsored by the University of Rochester Office of Undergraduate Research, Humanities Center, and Arthur Satz Department of Music.