The Titanic dataset is a classic and widely used dataset for machine learning and data analysis. It contains information about the passengers of the RMS Titanic, which tragically sank on its maiden voyage on April 15, 1912.
The dataset provides details about each passenger, including their demographics, ticket information, and survival status. This dataset is often used to demonstrate and practice various machine learning techniques, particularly classification.
This dataset is divided into two: training set & testing set.
Dataset Variables:
PassengerId: count for each passenger
Survived: 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Name: name of passenger
Sex: passenger's sex
Age: passenger's age
SibSp: number of siblings/spouses abroad the Titanic
Parch: number of parents/children abroad the Titanic
Ticket: ticket number
Fare: passenger fare
Cabin: cabin number
Embarked: port where passenger embarked (C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton)